First up, for Model Making, we did this automata thing. If you have no idea what is this about, click here. Anyway, my design concept is that that the dinosaur is trying to eat the boy. So, you will see the dinosaur's leg running and the boy is running as well. I was sick when I was doing this assignment and still had to stay up to complete it. Time was running out and the time to submit is nearing.. All my friends started coming in with their completed work. The rest were still trying to complete, I was one of them. I remembered Wayne said that you will have to trial and error to get the cam movements right, so I was stressing out and afraid that I would not be able to complete my work on time. Thankfully, a short prayer, God moved. Two of my friends came over and helped me. With their help, I managed to complete it on time. I did not even have the time to trial and error, I only have one try so I gave it all and it worked! Truly, You are the only one who makes the impossible possible. Thank you Hongxuan and Iris for helping me too. Here's the final results I got.

Next up, is Colour Studies. I still remembered how I don't understand anything in sem 1. I just did my work and ask Larry if the composition is okay. But now, I'm starting to understand, learning so much from his class. I'm really looking forward to year 2 and I hope that there will still be Colour Studies. I don't think you understand but whatever these is what I did.
For Studio Project, I love this assignment. If you had read my previous post about the assignment that we is wood related, then continue reading. Otherwise, please read it here first. Okay, so let's continue. After framing the wood, we are suppose to "dismantle" them and interlock two woods together so we wood be left with three frames then do the same thing again, interlock all frames together so we have only one frame. Then we used butter paper and created spaces in the frame. Then, we are supposed to find ten spaces within it, and build the spaces out with grey cardboard. Now, we are suppose to piece these ten spaces together and lastly, we have to build the interiors. Here's what I did.
For Drawing & Rendering, we did AutoCad and I really learnt so much since the start till now. I can now do one whole set of AutoCad drawing for a whole house. I'm really glad that I learnt so much.
Last but not least, for Digital Rendering, we learnt how to use 3DsMax and I swear the rendering takes forever okay. Here's what I got after rendering after so long. #nofilter
Submitted my 3DsMax hard copy this afternoon and whee no more submissions. So it 's the SEMESTER-END MARBLESLAB CREAMERY ICE CREAM PARTY!!! I really think I belong to the coolest school, coolest course. My lecturers paid for these and the ice cream person came into the studio. Shiok or what? Had so much fun and took damm alot of pictures but just gonna upload those I like, hehe.
I'm gonna miss my studio so damm much!!!